Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Life Of Our Great Prophet

Nearly fifteen hundred years ago the Arabs were divided into many tribes. There was no central govt. that could dominate the world of Arabia. In the absence of any centralized govt. there were tribal wars which continued for decades. In the mean time Hazrat Muhammad (s.m.) prophet of Islam, was born on the 29th August 570 A.D. He gave the Arab the light of Knowledge.
He was born in Qurqish family. His father Abdullah by name and Amina was his mother. His father died while he was in the womb of his mother. He also lost his mother early life and was brought up by a nurse name Halima. His grandfather was Abdul Muttalib.
Hazrat Muhammad (s.m.) had a religious turn of mind ever from his childhood.From his boyhood he was trusted by all. That is why he was known as “Al-Amin”. HEe wanted to receive the true light from Allah. He was fond of conquests and sometimes his uncle sent him to suppress robbers.
When Hazrat Muhammad (s.m.) was 25, a great change came over him .He married a beautiful, wealthy and accomplished widow of forty named Khadija. This was a turning point in his life.
On finishing his regular duties of the day he used to go to a solitary mountain cave known as ‘Hera ‘.There he passed hours together in deep meditation . He had devoted himself for many years to deep meditation before he attained ‘Nabuwat’ at the age of forty. To him was revealed that Allah is one and he is the lord of the universe. The holy word was revealed to him through Gibrail .he was taught by Allah and he was the last prophet. He brought from him many good tidings for mankind. He was ordained to preach.”there is no other God other than Allah and Muhammad (s.m.) is sent by him”.
But the Arabian did not like it. Even they conspired together to kill him. Hearing this, Hazrat Muhammad (s.m.) fledto Medina and at Medina he was cordially received. He had to fight many battles against the enemies of Islam till the conquest of Maccca.Though Hazrat Muhammad (s.m.) himself was illiterate, he encouraged the Arabs Knowledge.He would very often say.”The ink of a literate man is more valuable than the blood of a martyr”.

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